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HELP! My guinea pig loosing hairs.

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Hi. my guinea pig is loosing hairs from hind legs and belly area. On legs he has patch which looks like he has trimmed them due to itching may b. Skin little bit looks irritated but otherwise he is healthy. Can someone please give any advice what could it be? Thanks.

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first of all, how old’s your guinea pig? 
Losing hairs may be due to many factors, mites, or parasites in general.

The only sure thing for those kind of diseases is a visit with the vet: he will collect some hairs and crusts (if there is any) and will then check it; based on that he will give you a treatment.

I suggest you to bring him/her to a vet. I had a similar experience, and none of the advices could have helped, I brought my piggie to the vet and he made her a shot of antiparasitic, and then I had to disinfect her wounds/lossy hair zones.

Can you post a pic of your piggy too?


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Una perdita di pelo potrebbe essere causata da parassiti della pelle o da problemi ormonali oppure da... altro.

La visita presso un veterinario esperto in cavie è fondamentale per porre la diagnosi e stabilire la corretta terapia.

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Il 9/10/2020 at 8:48 PM, Random ha scritto:


first of all, how old's your guinea pig? 
Losing hairs may be due to many factors, mites, or parasites in general.

The only sure thing for those kind of diseases is a visit with the vet: he will collect some hairs and crusts (if there is any) and will then check it; based on that he will give you a treatment.

I suggest you to bring him / her to a vet. I had a similar experience, and none of the advices could have helped, I brought my piggie to the vet and he made her a shot of antiparasitic, and then I had to disinfect her wounds / lossy hair zones.

Can you post a pic of your piggy too?


Hey. thanks a lot for info. we gonna take him to the vet next week. 

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On 9/11/2020 at 1:31 AM, paolo wrote:

A hair loss could be caused by skin parasites or hormonal problems or ... more.

A visit to a veterinarian experienced in guinea pigs is essential to make the diagnosis and establish the correct therapy.

Yes Paul. soon we gonna take him to the vet. Thanks a lot for your response.

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Tell us more about your piggie! We have a specific section for introducing our friends! You can post pictures or tell us some facts about them!


take care and let us know what the vet says!

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23 minuti fa, Random ha scritto:

Tell us more about your piggie! We have a specific section for introducing our friends! You can post pictures or tell us some facts about them!


take care and let us know what the vet says!

I uploaded on drive. take a look. i am not able to attach images here. 

And my piggy's name is Yoda. 

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Il 9/19/2020 at 12:21 AM, Random ha scritto:

HI cuicui!

how’s your piggie going?

He is doing good but we struggled to get an appointment due to covid. But we got one finally for this coming week. Will definitely update you about him. 

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